Peace of Mind
By providing a formal written report that contains both pathological and biomechanical findings / impressions, we can offer extra security in safely treating your patients. We offer the expertise needed to ensure an accurate radiographic diagnosis. We also provide clinical recommendations and comments that advise when additional diagnostic imaging is indicated. If significant pathology is discovered, an immediate effort is made to contact the referring physician’s office.

Time Management
We offer technical assistance to maintain and or improve image quality. We can provide darkroom or image inspections to determine source of mechanical or other artifacts. Our Board Certified Chiropractic Radiologists are fully licensed in Kansas, Nevada and Utah. They can serve as an expert witness in the field of diagnostic radiology for insurance reviews and legal disputes. In most cases we provide a report dictation to transcription turnaround time in 48 hours. Upon request we will fax over the formal written report of or utilize a HIPAA compliant Drop Box.

Our services allow you and your staff to concentrate on patient treatment, resulting in improved office efficiency. Our formal written reports are at your fingertips when requested by attorney offices, worker’s compensation or insurance parties. Our reports can reinforce your diagnosis and treatment plans to your patients and third party payers. The entire submitting process takes only a few minutes of your office staff’s time.

Our 1-800 number makes all our services easily accessible. Contact us about our convenient, weekly door to door courier service provided in the Las Vegas area. Digital images can be sent utilizing our account with the cloud based Amplify PACS system or utilizing our HIPAA compliant Drop Box Account. Plain film studies or digital image media can be sent to our office by using our mailers with prepaid mailing labels. We will return the formal written report and images to your office by U.S. Priority Mail.